Shitong Sun (孙诗童)

I am a fourth year Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London, advised by Prof. Shaogang Gong. I received my master's degree from KU Leuven majoring in Artificial Intelligence, supervised by Prof. Tinne Tuytelaars and Prof.Jose Oramas M . My bachelor's degree is from both KU Leuven and Beijing Jiaotong University.

My Ph.D. research lies at the intersection of deep learning and computer vision. I focus on multimodal models and federated learning at the moment. I am actively looking for positions in academia/industry.

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  • 2024/04: Organize the BMVA one day meeting: Trustworthy Multimodal Learning with Foundation Models together with scientist Jindong Gu and Chao Zhang. Distinguished speakers from both academic (University of Oxford) and industry (Samsung Research, Toshiba Europe, and Wayve). The meeting is sponsored by BMVA and VIVO.
  • 2023/12-2024/2: Visiting to University of Trento, supervised by Prof. Nicu Sebe. The visiting is sponsored by the Alan Turing Institute for £4,100.

Benchmarking Robustness of Text-Image Composed Retrieval.
Shitong Sun, Jindong Gu, Shaogang Gong.
Workshop on Robustness of Few-shot and Zero-shot Learning in Foundation Models at NeurIPS 2023

FSAR: Federated Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Adaptive Topology Structure and Knowledge Distillation.
Jingwen Guo, Hong Liu, Shitong Sun, Tianyu Guo, Min Zhang, Chenyang Si.
International Conference on Computer Vision 2023

Federated Zero-Shot Learning with Mid-Level Semantic Knowledge Transfer.
Shitong Sun, Chenyang Si, Shaogang Gong, Guile Wu.

Decentralised Person Re-Identification with Selective Knowledge Aggregation
Shitong Sun, Guile Wu, Shaogang Gong.
British Machine Vision Conference, Online, November 2021

  • Teaching Assistant in QMUL, 2024 Spring: Machine Learning for Visual Data Analysis (ECS797P)
  • Teaching Assistant in QMUL, 2023 Autumn: Machine Learning (ECS708P)
  • Teaching Assistant in QMUL, 2022 Autumn: Machine Learning (ECS708P)
  • Teaching Assistant in QMUL, 2022 Spring: Deep Learning and Computer Vision (ECS795P)
  • Teaching Assistant in QMUL, 2021 Spring: Deep Learning and Computer Vision (ECS795P)
  • Computer Vision algorithm Engineer in CRIPAC, CASIA in 2018.10-2020.9